The SteriTec Integraph provides an integrated response to steam sterilization in prevacuum sterilizers operating at 132-134ºC for 3 minutes or longer and at 121ºC for 12 minutes or longer. The Integraph integrator gives a visible confirmation of the attainment of sterilization conditions at the location within the sterilization chamber.

Key specifications of the product :

The Integraph has 3 different timing indicator inks printed on each indicator.

The user can determine:
•If only the first indicator bar turns green, the integrator has been subjected an insufficient steam sterilization process.
•If the first and second bars turn green, sterilization conditions were met.
•If the first 2 bars turn green as well as the short bar, sterilization conditions occurred for an extended period of time.

Color change: Purple to green
Indicator stability: Before and after sterilization: Excellent